While repairs don’t need any approval any change or addition to your property will often require approval of the Reston Design Review Board.
The Reston standards for town home communities can be located here.
Reston Cluster Housing Design Standards
For cluster specific standards including paint colors please see the Standards link under the Property Information menu on the right.
If you intend to make any changes or additions you need to submit an application to the Reston Design Review Board.
Reston Design Review Board Application
Note that all Design Review Board applications must be signed by a member of the Summit Chase board. Certain changes also require signatures of at least two neighbors. To locate a board member refer the list of board members or send an e-mail to board@summitchasecluster.org
If you have any questions on the standards or the process you can contact the Reston Covenants Adviser for Summit Chase Cluster.
Cat Castrence