Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, trash will be picked up on Saturday, November 26, 2022, NOT on Friday.
DO NOT place your trash, recycling, and yard waste at the curb until 5:00 pm the night before a scheduled pick up.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, trash will be picked up on Saturday, November 26, 2022, NOT on Friday.
DO NOT place your trash, recycling, and yard waste at the curb until 5:00 pm the night before a scheduled pick up.
Starting the week of October 3rd, our trash vendor is reducing the pick-up of trash to one day a week. This is the schedule:
Tuesdays | No pickup |
Fridays | Trash pickup Recycling pickup Yard waste pickup |
DO NOT place your trash, recycling, and yard waste at the curb before 5:00 pm on Thursday night. Also, remove your cans by Friday night. |
These charges are in effect until further notice. The Summit Chase Board of Directors and TWC are still exploring options to restore twice a week track pick-up. (KDG)
The Board will be holding at our annual spring Summit Chase Cluster board meeting soon.
Meeting Type: Board of Directors & Members
Date/Time: 6:00 pm March 2, 2022
Zoom Link Below
Meeting ID: 871 3223 2443
Passcode: 902553
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,87132232443#,,,,*902553# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 871 3223 2443
Passcode: 902553
Please email a board member if you have any questions
The Summit Chase Board of Directors is meeting at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, October 19th. Topics of discussion include:
Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Meeting:
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 862 1051 0518
Passcode: 294540
Contact the Board if you have any questions: board@summitchasecluster.org
The Summit Chase Cluster Board of Directors entered into a contract with Dominion Paving to mill and pave the worst parts of the cluster’s road. The orange lines on the road mark the places that are scheduled to be replaced. This work is scheduled to start at 7:00 am Monday August 9th.
ONLY those residents and guests who park within 30 feet of the orange lines need move all vehicles when the contractor is on site. The contractor plans to remark the lines to make the impacted areas more visible. Residents who park in or next to spaces reserved for 1520 to 1526, 1519 to 1547, 1595 to 1603, plus 1579 to 1591 need to remove their vehicles during the work. Vehicles may be parked in guest spaces that are not impacted by the work or off of the property. Residents who park near these spaces may also want to remove vehicles from the area. Vehicles not moved are subject to be towed at the owner’s expense.
Access at the community will be restricted, for an hour or two, when the contractor is working at the entrance/circle. Residents will be able to return to the impacted areas soon after the work is complete. Please park on Autumn Ridge road if you may need to leave the cluster when work is being done by the contractor.
Additional information when it is received from the contractor. The work should be completed in one day and no additional road work is scheduled this year.
TWC and the Board plan to provide an additional notice before August 9th. In the event of bad weather, the change will be communicated with the community and the work will be rescheduled a few weeks after the original date.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this time.
Thank you.
-Summit Chase Board of Directors
To all those you are interested, please note there will be a board meeting on the date/time stated above.
This is slated to be a zoom virtual meeting as we are still following Covid19 protocols.
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 992 9385 4571
Passcode: 976491
The first 2021 Autumn Ridge Circle (Summit Chase Cluster) board meeting is set for March 16 at 6 pm.
Hi Folks,
This year, the way the calendar falls, Xmas day (25th) is a Friday and New Years day (1st) is also a Friday.
Kindly DO NOT put your trash out there today and let it sit till next Tuesday
Thank you
This will be a virtual meeting at 7 pm to discuss the viability of EV charging in Summit Chase Cluster.
If you wish to attend, and have specific questions in mind, please email one of board members. Zoom links are below
<<links removed for safety>>
We are holding an ARC HOA Meeting for Board members only on 12/15 – Tuesday at 6 pm.